CHRISTUS Ochsner SWLA Foundation qualifies for matched donations from companies with such programs. These donations occur when a company matches its employees’ donations.

Company Match

CHRISTUS Ochsner SWLA Foundation qualifies for matched donations from companies with such programs. These donations occur when a company matches its employees’ donations. Corporate matching donations are an easy way to double your impact for the Foundation. If your company offers a match program, the Foundation can complete all paperwork necessary to receive the company’s portion upon receiving your initial donation.

To find out if your company offers a matching program, contact your human resources department.


Let Us Help YOU.

We’re here to help make donating and fundraising easy for you. We’ll provide documentation of employee donations and fill out all required company forms to request a match. If you would like to apply for a company match donation, contact us at (337)430-5353 or email [email protected].